Alumni Class Challenge
Rummel Alumni are invited to Boldly Show the Way in this exciting Annual Giving Campaign! Classes compete to show their Raider Pride by donating in honor of their graduating class. ​
​Purpose of Funds: Student Financial Aid
Campaign Start: October 2020
Campaign Goal: $10,000 Donation per Graduating Class
Special thanks to the alumni listed below for their decision to match their class's donation dollar for dollar. This collective effort will ensure a successful Boldly Show the Way campaign.
If you are interested in setting a matching gift for your class or maximizing your donation, please contact Sean Francioni '88 at sfrancioni@rummelraiders.com
Class Captains are representatives from each graduation year that financially contribute to the success of The Boldly Show the Way Campaign. Their generosity helps support Archbishop Rummel High School and its mission.
If you are interested in becoming a Class Captain, please contact Drew Treuting '03 - dtreuting@rummelraiders.com
1966 Gary Hardin Sr. , Louis “Jack” Treuting III, Robert “Bobby” Eshleman, CJ Bruno
1967 Danny Boudreaux, Larry Hecker, Clyde Gravios, Mike Scalco
1968 Don Dubuc
1969 Robert “Bob” Whitman
1970 AJ Giardina, Warren Villemarette, Robert Gettys
1971 Danny Flynn, Lester Kennedy
1972 John Keenan Jr., Chris Fabacher, Walter Smith
1973 RJ Boudreau, David Weber, Daniel Nuss
1974 Lou Reynolds, Ken Massett
1975 Ken Trahan, Homer Minshew, Ed Daniels
1976 Ed Womac, Greg Cadella
1977 Stephen Fuselier, Fred Landry, Herbie Montalbano
1978 Craig Goodwin, Robert Harvey, Tim Patterson
1979 John Theriot, Will Vanderbrook, Jay DiMaggio
1980 Mike Boudreaux, Kevin Johnson, Frank Cazeaux, Dr. Archie Melcher
1981 Jay Roth, Terry Boudreaux
1982 Jeff Brignac, Bill Duncan, Tony Bonura
1983 Don Stout, Mike Monistere, Craig Gallatas
1984 Randy Roth, Dino Paternostro
1985 Ellis Vasterling
1986 Mike Martinez, David Melancon
1987 Lonnie Smith, Kyle Cortello, Dr. Ricky Dantagnan
1988 Sean Francioni, Jason Renton, Kirk Groetsch
1989 Steve Roques, Scott Burgesss, Derrick Millet
1990 EJ Aspuru, Charles Harvey, David Roddy
1991 Allen Catoix, Matt Doyle, Joseph DiGiovani
1992 Henry Frey, Doug Tillman, Ryan Sterling
1993 Kevin O’Brien, Brad Galpin, Leo Schaeffer
1994 Danny Flynn, Dustin Millet
1995 Jeremy Goebel, Bert Santos, Dr. Scott Reynolds
1996 Greg Brenan, Marvin Gresse, Chad Tusa
1997 Ryan Gernard, Dominick Impastato, Sidney McCann
1998 Doug Neil, Buster Seeling, Craig Mirambell
1999 Matt Treuting, Frank Renaudin, Wes Palmisano
2000 Fr. Tim Hedrick, Roch Eschelman, Joseph Squatrito, Mike Dubuc
2001 Jonathan Stoltz, Geoff Clement, Sean Lamy
2002 Dr. Daniel Bourgeois, Brian Bruhn, Brian Rodriguez
2003 Ryan Kline , Matt Caire, Joel Neil, Drew Treuting
2004 Anthony Impastato, JC Andry, Jonathan Tran, Craig Steltz
2005 Father Kurt Young, Josh Stoltz
2006 Ryan Boudreau, Cody Cadella
2007 Paul Scanlon, Ryan Rogers
2008 Brian Maurice
2009 Andrew Allain, Dr. Archie Melcher
2010 Chris Randle
2011 Fr. Andrew Guiterrez
2012 Peyton Theriot, Brett Uzee
2013 Michael Kennedy
2014 Sean Goebel, Tin Le
2015 Tim Primes, Dylan Mire